Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Weekly Writing December 13-17

I think when a child is very young you should tell them that Santa will bring them presents and can see everything they are doing. Then maybe they will try to be good all the time knowing Santa is watching. I think it is also important to leave the child with that child like sense of wonder because a kid should have fun thinking about how Santa does all the stuff he does. I also think the child will feel more excited when it comes to Christmas.

Top 10 list of toys for a 6 year old boy

10.Chrome safe with Alarm: what child would not want to feel like a adult an can also keep their huge stacks of ones safe.
9.Pedal Loader ride on: Since he loves to play outside he will have a really fun time with this loader and move dirt with it.
8.Playing cowboys and Indians: every kid loves to play with friends and what better to play out in the country with a bunch of stuff to climb on to play cowboys and Indians
7: Hide and seek: With all of the stuff to hide behind at a farm house it would be the ultimate place to go hide and seek.
6.Ultimate Flyer Sled: for thos snow days on the big hills in your huge back yard you can catch some serious speed with this baby
5.Toy Rifle: Kids want to feel like they are really hunting so give them a toy gun and they can turn many hours into a Safari
4.A Wii: every kid loves playing a Wii and jumping around playing active entertaining games
3: Big Buck Hunter:For those rainy days when you have nothing else to do but want to go hunting badly well now you can do it on your wii and hunt to your hearts desires
2:A dog: nothing like a boy and his best friend doing everything and it will teach the boy responsibility
1: Spending time with dad: Dad can teach you everything you may ever come to know and the person that will always be your best friend he can come up with a lot more fun things than any toy or game can ever try to do.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Middle Child Hood Children

Middle child hood kids is often refereed to as the the school age years. Boys are usually slightly taller than girls and usually weigh around 47 pounds and when they turn 12 their weight can usually double. By the age of 12 the average child is about 5 ft tall. They show great improvements in their motor development and can do many things that require balance and agility. Like ride a bike, bicycle, and jump on trampolines and things like that. Middle child hood is one of the healthiest times for a child because of their developing immune system. A child's hearing is usually well developed by middle child hood. By age six most children are ready to read. They can see objects with both eyes and can focus very well. The most common vision problem is nearsightedness in children which can be fixed with corrective lenses. Children usually begin to lose their baby teeth and start to grow their adult teeth. By the age of twelve 20 of the primary teeth will be replaced with permanent adult teeth. Tooth decay is a very common problem with school age children. Obesity is becoming a very common problem with children today. Obesity effects more than 25% of all school age children. Obese children are often teased and ridiculed which will effect the children emotional thoughts. They may have low self esteem. They become able to do rehearsal things like in a play they begin to remember what to say without looking at anything because their brain is developing. They also start to use concrete operations which means they use logic to think things out. Their ability to communicate becomes stronger they are able to say bigger words and put them in sentences. They start to use social comparison where they compare themselves to other people in positive and negative ways. Children usually have very high self esteem so that is very good. They also start to develop empathy which is the ability to understand others feelings. They also develop compassion which is love for something. They also begin to develop a sense of humor. They start to also develop friendship ways with others. They start to feel for other people so they become friends. They begin to play games with each other girls usually play hop scotch, jump rope while boys play competitive sports like baseball and football. They enjoy games with rules that give children roles in the game. There is no safe game children can always get injured by bumps, bruises, and scratches from playing rough which is common. Children learn moral behavior by interacting with others and seeing what to say and not to say. School age children are more aware of the world around them and say things with other peoples feelings in mind.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Weekly Writing December 6-10, 2010

Things i have enjoyed while i was in elementary was recess. We got to run around and play stupid games that we made up wen we were kids like Moose, Sharkblade, Free for all war ball, and monkey fighting. Most of those games got banned because we were all getting hurt, so we were pretty proud about that. Things i did not like in elementary was getting punished staying in for recess or having to write your name many times on a piece of paper. I also did not really like being lined up and doing art projects. I think kids should have homework but not to much so they are ready for high school when homework is a everyday thing. Children will be more prepared if they have homework so i think kids should have it.