Tuesday, April 16, 2013

This Dark Endeavor 140-240

Victor felt silly for never seeing how Konrad and Elizabeth have been in love for awhile. This bugged Victor a lot and he wanted to make Elizabeth his. Konrad learns of the adventures they have been doing when Henry, Victor, Konrad, and Elizabeth go out for a little fun. Konrad tells everyone that his illness was not cured and it may come back. They decide to continue on with finding the ingredients for the elixir to heal Konrad and he wants to join them. That night Victor steals a note that Elizabeth left for Konrad in a vase and it said to meet her at the balcony at one in the morning. Its pitch black and Victor meets Elizabeth up top and steals a kiss and she realizes it was Victor and the next morning swore to not talk about it and she loves Konrad not him. They go to the alchemist house to find out the next ingredient and its the fish oil form a extinct or thought to be extinct fish that lives in the caves of the mountains. Victor prepares the trek and gathers supplies and uses a map that was given to them of the caves. They go to the mountain and descend into it with their lanterns. Victor made another elixir that would make a flame less light too that would be helpful. They climb through the tunnels of the cave and find a lake in it. They get out their poles and fish for the creature. They got a bite and fight to reel the fish in. Then suddenly the water begins to rise and goes all the way up to victors arm and the fish swims up to him and tries eating Victor and puts his whole arm in his mouth. Konrad pulls out a sword from his bag and stabs the fish couple times and kills it. He severs the head and puts it in a bag and they try to hurry through the cave before they would drown. The lanterns where useless because of all the water so the flame less fire would come in handy to see and they got all the way back to where they started and Henry pulled them all up to safety. They go back home way late past curfew and their father meets them at the door and takes Victor to his study to sew up his wound. Victor tells them what they were doing and his dad tells him to stop and he can not go into the library anymore. They were condemned to the house for 2 weeks and in the two weeks tension between Elizabeth and Victor rise and Konrad passes out when confronting Victor about the things he has been bugging Elizabeth about. Konrad fallen back to the illness even worse than before.  Victor rallies up everyone and convinces them to go after the last ingredient of the Elixir of Life. They go to the alchemist house to find out what the last ingredient they need is. He tells them they need the bone marrow of the person closest to Konrad. Victor decides he would be the one who would have two of his fingers severed for Konrad.

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